Interview about the VIII Congress of the Latin American Association of Tissue Banks in Mexico 2022


Interview with ALABAT-President Dr. Francisco Martínez Flores

What were the highlights of this conference from your point of view?

The VIII congress of the Latin-American Association of Tissue Banks (ALABAT) was performed in Mexico City. The goal of the conference was focused on generating a forum for all professionals and technicians with activities in tissue banking from several countries of Latin America.

Experts of tissue banking participated in regulatory sessions for tissue banking and discussed the preservation and clinical use of amnion, corneal, skin, musculoskeletal tissues, and complexed transplants of arms and face. On the last day of the congress a special meeting took place: An important panel conformed of several societies and associations exposed new advances and projects to promote activities of tissue banking and transplant of tissues in Latin American. The Participation of WUTBA, APASTB, EATCB, AEBA, OMS and PAHO, was an exceptionally enrichment to all attendees.

What do you take away from the congress for yourself and your work in the field of tissue donation and tissue banking?

Firstly, I am enthusiastic because I feel as part of a team of professionals of Latin American for interaction and sharing process and scientific discussion of our findings in tissue banking and transplant of tissues and cells. Secondly, I am very excited to start and implement new preservation methods in our tissue banks.

What advantages do you see in the international network of WUTBA?

The VIII congress of ALABAT was planned to be performed in 2020, but unfortunately it was postponed to 2022 and was to be held in hybrid mode (Face to face / virtual) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve this meeting, the contribution and participation of WUTBA and affiliates has been very important to make it possible.

Particularly, I want to express my gratitude to Marisa Herson, past General Secretary of WUTBA, and Martin Börgel, current General Secretary of WUTBA, for all their support, direction, and experience to organize this meeting. It has been a pleasure to work with WUTBA, and of course the participation of all persons from associations affiliated to WUTBA.

What are your goals for tissue donation and tissue banking in Latin America?

One of the main objectives of ALABAT is to promote the creation of more public tissue banks in countries of Latin American. At the same time, we are implementing a program of technical-medical education for new candidates to improve tissue banking activities to guarantee the safe access of tissues and cells for transplantation to vulnerable population.

From left to right:

Dr. Martin Borgel

WUTBA General Secretary

Dr. Ricardo Zurita Navarrete

Medical Director Hospital de Jesus

Dr. Francisco Martinez Flores

President of ALABAT

Kristin Kleinhoff