WUTBA Committees
Executive Council
WUTBA’s business is conducted under the leadership of an established Council of representatives. Each Associate Member nominates 03 representatives (Councillors) who have the right to vote in the decision making process. Representatives of Observer Members (1 per each) are invited to attend to Council Meetings, at discretion of Council; however, they do not hold the position of Councillors and as such have only the right of voice but not of vote.
There are two WUTBA Office bearers: the General Secretary and the Treasurer, elected from the membership. When not elected from among the Council members, they have a standing invitation to attend Council meetings but have only the right of voice but not of vote. The inaugural General Secretary of WUTBA was Mr. Scott Brubaker from the AATB (2005-2013) who left an everlasting contribution to WUTBA; Dr Marisa Herson from the BAA took over the position from May 2014 to November 2021, and Mr. Martin Börgel is the current elected General Secretary. Mr. Martin Börgel was the inaugural WUTBA Treasurer (October 2017 – November 2021); the position is now taken by Mr. Chris Bombak (BAA).
Suzina Sheikh Ab Hamid, Sandra Venter, Chris Van Diemen, Francisco Martinez and Diletta Trojan.
Current Representatives to Executive Council:
Martin Börgel (General Secretary)
Chris Bombak (Treasurer)
AATB – Marc Pearce, Eduardo Nunes
ALABAT – Francisco Martinez, Celina Horak
APASTB – Jinyoung Jeong
BAA – Christopher Van Diemen
EATCB – Diletta Trojan, Simone Hennerbichler-Lugscheider
SATIBA – Sandra Venter
Scott Brubaker
(2005 – 2014)
General Secretary
Marisa Herson
(2014 – 2021)
General Secretary
Martin Börgel
(2021 – current)
General Secretary
Chris van Diemen
(2021 – current)
Ethics Working Group
The purpose of the WUTBA Ethics Working Group (WEWG), is to establish a global forum for the discussion of ethical issues involved in tissue donation, manufacturing - including any step linked to processing, value-adding, storage and distribution and transplantation.
This is consistent with WUTBA’s aim to support ethical practices in tissue donation and transplantation, and stand against tissue trafficking. The outcomes may also support WUTBA Aim of exchange of information on events, activities, standards, regulations, education and research.
While there is no prescribed minimum or maximum number of members in any Committee, individuals will be appointed by the Associate and Observer Members, with the assumption that equal opportunity to participate will be provided to members in good standing of each. Individuals that are not association member may be recruited as Advisors.
The Group meets at set intervals over an agreed work agenda. Examples of topics for discussion are the challenge to ensure global equitable access to grafts and derived products, how to frame informed donation consenting process (and ownership) vis-à-vis the increasing reality of biotechnology enhanced tissue/cell products research and clinical application, and caveats to practices akin to business leading to obvious commercialization and financial gain.
Current Members:
Martin Börgel (Chair)
AATB – Eduardo Nunes
ALABAT – Celina Horak
APASTB – Astrid Lobo Gajiwala, Suzina Sheikh Abdul Hamid
BAA – Joyleen Winter
EATCB – Jill Davies
SATIBA – Sandra Venter
Global Tissue Banking Registry
The purpose of this Committee, as an agreed collaboration with the WHO, is to establish a global register of tissue and cell establishments, as one of agreed WUTBA’s Aims. The outcome may also support WUTBA Aim of exchange of information on events, activities, standards, regulations, education and research
In pursuit of this goal, the group will identify the tissue & cell banking establishments in the diverse world regions, build a directory of these establishments and endeavour to collect data to inform on world tissue donation and transplantation activity.
The membership is composed of 01 nominated representative from each Associated or Observer Member, and the WUTBA General Secretary. Additional members may be co-opted, upon consensus of membership, to facilitate or value-add to the proposed work plan.
Current Members:
Martin Börgel (Chair)
AATB – Eduardo Nunes
ALABAT – Celina Horak
APASTB – Jinyoung Jeong
BAA – Linda Manning
EATCB – Martin Börgel
SATIBA – Michael Pepper