EuroGTP II – What is this initiative?
This is a 3 year Project co-funded by the 3rd Health Programme of the European Union under the Grant Agreement number: 709567 which aims to establish good practices with regard to Tissues and Cells (T&C) preparation processes and patient follow-up procedures, to ensure their safe and effective implementation and evaluation.
The outcomes should provide practical tools which will assist Tissue Establishments and Organizations Responsible for Human Application, in the implementation of technical requirements defined for the assessment and verification of the quality, safety and efficacy of therapies with human T&C. Moreover, these tools will be developed in accordance with the regulatory principles, legislation and good practices, and will be made available to National Competent Authorities (NCAs), hence facilitating also the evaluation and the authorization procedures.
The Barcelona Tissue Bank (Banc de Teixits de Barcelona – Banc de Sang I Teixits (BST)) is the Coordinator of this Project, that involves a total 14 Associative partners from 11 EU Member States, and 12 Collaborative partners. More details on this on-going project are accessible at: